Ethics in Engineering; The Decision Making Approach


Tarbiat Modarres University


Ethical relationship between engineers and society is very important. Today, understanding the relationship between technology and society is used to investigate the norms, success and effects of technology. And analyses of science and technology fields have ethical implications that influence decision making processes. Therefore, it highlights the necessity of noticing the ethical regards in engineering decisions.
In this review article, first the literature of ethics in engineering is presented. Also, to better understand the place of ethics in engineering, classical process of engineering is studied regardless of ethics and the scopes of applying ethics and responsibility models in engineering are mentioned as an introduction to the place of ethics in engineering. Furthermore, the methods of integrating ethical regards in engineering decisions are studied. Finally some new approaches are presented to pay more attention to ethical considerations in engineering.
The future of mankind depends on decisions with ethical regards and engineering is an area that is open and fit to develop and encourage the ethical research. Regardless of technical, economical and …dimensions, the ethical regards related to people whom are influenced by the decisions should be considered. So, studying the outcomes of decisions and developing the decision making models are new approaches to improve the decision making processes.
