A Model for Monitoring National Science and Technology Indicators: A Business Intelligence Approach


1 University of Tehran

2 Associate Professor, Department od Information Technology Eng., Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The economic growth and competitiveness of countries is strongly influenced by their national science and technology ST systems Hence national ST policymakers must make appropriate decisions to flourish national ST systems For this purpose an integrated view on the dimensions of national ST systems is much needed Due to the distribution of relevant data sources for national ST indicators and the complexity of national ST systems establishing an integrated view is challenging In this paper we propose a business intelligence BI model to monitor and analyze national ST indicators For this purpose a fivelayered architecture for monitoring national ST indicators a star schemabased national ST indicator data warehouse and a process for monitoring national ST indicators using a business intelligence approach are designed After developing a prototype system focused on the Iranian ST system the ST indicators of the Iranian National ST Roadmap having a look at Iran Vision are monitored Moreover the performance of the Iranian ST system is compared with selected countries to know the countrys position in the global ST arena Using the results from monitoring Iranian ST indicators by the developed system the status of the Iranian ST system is analyzed in the end
