A Multi-level Comprehensive Framework for Knowledge Protection of Knowledge-based Companies (Case Study of NIOC)


PhD Student of Information Science and Knowledge Management, Economic and Management Faculty of Sharif University


Nowadays, knowledge-based companies emphasis on knowledge protection as a continuous process of knowledge management for knowledge repository retention and competitive advantage. In fact, knowledge creation and sharing without protection will not lead to the creation of a sustainable value. This research aims to explore the knowledge protection strategies of NIOC (National Iranian Oil Company) as a knowledge-based company. Based on the exploratory nature of research, a single case study method was utilized. Knowledge protection consists of both explicit knowledge (e. g., documentation and patent submission) and tacit knowledge (e. g., intuition, expert). The result of this study shows that the risk of knowledge loss and the necessity of its protection must be taken into account in downsizing, lay off, retirement, outsourcing and etc. A review on the strategies of the National Oil Company, as a knowledge base company, to reduce any mentioned risks was performed.


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