 The Model for Competency Assessment of Academic Library Managers: Content Analysis of Managers' Competency


1 Ph.D. Student of Information Science and Knowledge Management, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz

2 Professor, Department of Information Science and Science, Shahid Chamran University, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Ahvaz, Iran


The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of managers' competency models to identify the dimensions and components of competency models of university librarians.
The present research is a qualitative content analysis that uses conventional and guided approaches to identify the dimensions and components of the competency model of academic librarians. The data gathering tools in this study are documents. Data coding and analysis were performed using Max Kiuda software version 12.
The study identified the competency model of university library managers at two levels: general and professional competencies. General competencies consisted of six general domains, including competencies of individual-behavioral, social-communicative, moral-value, organizational-managerial, insight-perceptual, and innovative-entrepreneurial. For the evaluation of managers, 83 and 15 indices were identified at the level of general competence and specialized competencies, respectively.
Given the evolution of various technologies and the need to apply these technologies in the advancement of libraries and to move them further to digitalization, academic libraries need managers who, in addition to general managerial knowledge and specialized knowledge, are the latest Technology advances awareness and skills learned in using these technologies and how to use them in academic libraries.


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