The Effects and consequences of activityof non-governmental non-profit higher education institutions and universities activities


1 Faculty Member Soore , Department of Cultural and Media Management

2 Professor, Sociology, Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


This paper analyzes the impacts and consequences of the activities of universities and non-governmental, non-profit higher education institutions. The statistical population is 355 officials of these institutions across the country. Out of this population, 201 were selected as sample population by stratified sampling. Survey and questionnaires were employed to collect data and through quantitative method the data was analyzed.
Research findings suggest that the activities of these centers have had various consequences, including expanding higher education, decreasing government authority and spending, reducing internal and external migration for education, assisting in the dismantling of the university entrance examination (konkour), localizing higher education in the provinces, promoting culture of education, creating jobs and income for faculty, staff, and sessional lecturer, and creating opportunity to bring ideas and capabilities out of government.


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