Analysis of Research and Technology Organizations’ Strategies in European Union


1 Department of Technology Development Studies, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran-Iran

2 Department of Technology Development Studies, Iranian Research Organization for Science and Technology (IROST), Tehran, Iran


Research and Technology Organizations have been established with different approaches in several countries. They have as an intermediary link among industry, government and university. The history of these organizations back to the beginning of twentieth century, that their objective was supporting industries. Nowadays, Research and Technology Organizations use different missions and strategies depending on the circumstances of their country or region. This paper tries to analyze the strategies of research and technology organizations in European Union countries. In this regard, various approaches from the point of view of innovation, industry, government, and performance indicators in other areas have been mainly studied in the EU. The research methodology is descriptive and analytic. The data collections are based on documental study, published and library research. These indicators and the innovation approaches are analyzed, structured and proposed as a new category at the end of this paper. Finally, in the results analysis section, a new strategy summary is presented in four approaches, government-oriented, industry-based, innovative and foresight base. An analytical comparison for the Iran’s research organizations is presented comparing to the current existing approaches


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