Internationalization of higher education and future of science and technology evaluation

Document Type : Research paper


1 . Faculty Member of Science and Research Policy Department, National Research Institute for Science Policy (NRISP), Tehran, Iran

2 Faculty Member of Foresight Department, Institute fore Social and Cultural Studies (ISCS), Tehran, Iran


Competitiveness in science, technology, and innovation has turned into a worldwide principle in a way that the effectiveness of local higher education institutes depends on their role in the global sphere. The national efforts in different countries to support their universities and position them in a better international ranking is clear proof for this state. The internationalization of higher education is one of the trends which is shaping the future of science, technology, and innovation transformation in the world. Countries increasingly are participating and sharing in the benefits of joint bilateral and multilateral research, education, innovation, and technology programs to achieve preferable future situations. The limitation of human capital and financial resources leaded different countries in different parts of the world to facilitate intercultural and international collaboration, define joint programs in science, technology, and innovation, and create networks of stakeholders from researchers and academicians to international non-governmental and governmental organizations. This process develops the international exchanges of researchers and scientists and then the sharing of knowledge and innovation in the long-term.
The main question in this paper is: how internationalization of higher education helps to achieve a preferable alternative future for the evaluation of science and technology in Iran? The method of this study is desk research and trend analysis based on the futures study's point of view. From this approach, alternative situations of science, technology, and innovation evaluation have been describing and prescribe.


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