Digital University is a platform for digital learning in the Corona and post-Corona eras


1 1. Full Professor, Higher Education Management, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to introduce digital university as a suitable platform for digital learning in the Coronavirus and post- Coronavirus eras. Today, the outbreak of the Coronavirus has brought about dramatic changes in the nature and function of higher education, especially universities. The digital university is the evolutionary approach of universities and higher education institutions in the face of the Coronavirus crisis and beyond. The present study was a review method for systematic collection of studies, especially in the Coronavirus period. Findings of the present study emphasize on the digital integration of the university so that all its functions, processes and procedures are digitally integrated. Digitally defined learning includes components such as digital learning methods, digital learning contexts, tools and simulators, and digital learning support systems. With an emphasis on digital learning, features such as flexibility, parallelism, effectiveness, efficiency, social equality, internationalization, quality, and a new professor-student role emerge at the digital university, And creates like it. Finally, attention to policy in the areas (education including evaluation, monitoring and quality of digital education, digital content, digital curriculum and digital teaching-learning process) and technology (software and hardware policies and support policies)Structure includes (digital policies and rules, digital management and leadership) cultural (digital communication management, internationalization of higher education courses, knowledge and attitudes towards digital courses and access to higher education and social equality) and financial policy (financial management, methods Funding and funding methods are important. Accordingly, the digital university, as a suitable platform for digital learning, introduces an effective strategy in higher education during and after Coronavirus.


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