Key Factors in Cooperation of University s and Defence Industries


1 PhD Student, Department of Educational Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University

2 Associate professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Zanjan Branch


The purpose of this research is to identify key factors in the development of defense industries and universities.
The research method is descriptive - analytic and refer to valid databases and the use of library resources and cyberspace based on which to identify key factors affecting defensive industry and university.
Based on the studies, four key factors: interaction architecture, knowledge, social and success factors as main factors as well as 19 sub factors affecting the relationship between defense industry and university were identified.
The results showed that the only reliable way to increase defense capabilities is to adopt pre - emptive approach in dealing with environmental changes. Accordingly, industries should deal with pre - emptive action and with continuous scanning of environmental changes and new challenges and in interaction with the university on the amount of learning and their scientific and practical ability to deal with new paradigms and solutions that make suitable service possible.


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