Effect of Combined Index of Knowledge-Based Economy on Unemployment Control (Case study of Iranian provinces)

Document Type : Research paper


ahlul bayt international university


An economy that is institutionalized in the structure of knowledge can achieve skills and expertise, creativity and innovation in accordance with the requirements of the time, and the acquisition of these characteristics will increase productivity, increase incomes and employment, economic growth and reduce unemployment. Therefore, considering the importance and efficiency of knowledge in the economic structure, the purpose of this research; The effect of the combined index of knowledge-based economy on unemployment in the provinces of Iran has been done using the data of the years 1390-1397 with the approach of panel data from the fully modified least squares method. The results show that there is a significant negative relationship between the combined index of knowledge-based economy and unemployment. In such a way that the increase of knowledge-based components in the provinces of Iran reduces unemployment in them. Also, the increase in government construction expenditures, GDP and exports will reduce the unemployment rate in the provinces and increase inequality and inflation in the country will have an adverse effect on unemployment. Put on the agenda.


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