Investigating socio-economic factors related to the publication of scientific documents in middle-income countries

Document Type : Research paper


1 Specialized doctorate in economics and development sociology; and a master's student in social science research at Hakim Sabzevari University

2 Assistant Professor of Demographics at Hakim Sabzevari University

3 Assistant Professor of Economics at Hakim Sabzevari University


The purpose of this article is to investigate the effect of economic and social factors on the publication of scientific documents. The amount of publication of scientific documents can increase or decrease; Because the publication of scientific documents is influenced by many economic, sociological, cultural and political factors. In fact, scientific literature includes various works that show that the publication of scientific documents is influenced by institutional conditions, cultural dimensions, knowledge management processes, barriers to access to information, technical and human capital, such as databases, scientific resources, software licenses, laboratories, materials in favorable conditions and personnel dedicated to research and development, etc. Evaluating the publication of scientific documents in terms of quantity, through databases indexing publication data from scientific journals that respond to quality standards that are acceptable by the members of the scientific community itself. The inequality in the production of countries is an important fact that highlights the difference in the resources that are devoted to the scientific research activities of each country. In this way, the upcoming research examines the influence of socio-economic factors on the publication of scientific documents in middle-income countries. Statistics related to the publication of scientific documents, access to information and communication, equal access to quality education, quality weighted universities, government expenditure on education, share of value added of the industry sector, GDP per capita and control variables including life expectancy and population in 56 The country is derived from Scimago institutions, the social progress index and the World Bank during the years 2011 to 2021. Considering that the World Bank has divided countries into high-income countries, countries with upper middle income, countries with lower middle income, and low-income countries. In the present study, middle-income countries (countries with lower middle income and upper middle income) are selected and from these countries, according to the maximum available data, countries are selected. This study is quantitative and applied. In this research, firstly, using the library and documentation method, statistics and information, the theoretical and experimental bases of the research are collected, then the collected data is processed using descriptive and analytical statistics. Finally, using theoretical and experimental foundations, statistical models and the econometric analysis method of Levin, Lin and Chou, F Limer, Hausman, Breusch–Pagan test, LR variance heterogeneity, autocorrelation and fixed effects tests to investigate the effect of the mentioned variables on the publication of scientific documents, the panel data method has been used and analyzed with Eviews12 software. The current research aims to identify social and economic factors, to determine the impact of social factors (access to information and communication (Bland & Ruffin, 1992), equal access to quality education (Bland & Ruffin, 1992), quality weighted universities (Bland & Ruffin, 1992), ) as well as the impact of economic factors (government expenditure on education (Lancho-Barrantes and Cantu-Ortiz, 2020), the share of the value added of the industry sector (Mozafari et al., 2011), GDP per capita (Guo et al., 2021) to along with life expectancy at 60 years (Bland & Ruffin, 1992) and population (Guo et al., 2021) as control variables in middle-income countries. So that it can be a source for knowing the practical skills of people's healthy social life level and making them efficient and increasing their capabilities in the academic, educational and industrial society, to promote the publication of scientific documents and increase their efficiency and optimal use. The results of panel data estimation in the years under review showed that the influence of social factors (access to information and communication, equal access to quality education, quality weighted universities); And economic factors (government expenditure on education, contribution of the value added of the industry sector, GDP per capita) on the publication of scientific documents in middle-income countries are incremental and significant. Likewise, social factors have a greater impact on the publication of scientific documents than economic factors; And among the social and economic factors, equal access to quality education has a greater impact on the publication of scientific documents. Therefore, since the publication of scientific documents is influenced by socio-economic factors, for publishing high scientific documents, all socio-economic indicators should be taken into account. In order to grow these factors, researchers, sociologists and economists must plan together. In the age of industrialization, the economy without science and science without economy will have no fate but backwardness. Until the socio-economic status of the society reaches a desirable level, socio-economic developments will not have much effect on the publication of scientific documents. If socio-economic factors exceed a desired level, suddenly the socio-economic profitability of the scientific sector will increase and scientific investments will be accompanied by the explosive growth of science. However, scientific growth does not necessarily lead to the growth of production and industry. Because knowledge is efficient if it can be provided to technology in the form of innovation so that it can pass the production stage and enter the industrial stage


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