E-businesses Development with Model of Data Innovation, Open Government Data and Open Innovation


1 Allame Tabatabaei University

2 Islamic Azad University


Increasing returns of scale and scope which arises in the use of data has created a new concept called big data that analysis of them leads to boosted productivity through data Innovations Since there is no model in the current literature of data innovation the purpose of this research is to provide a logical model of data innovation to determine its impact on business development and in particular the electronics business In this model the data generated using electronic business tools are calculated as inputs of the model Afterward in the process of the model the types of innovations and big data technologies are performed which ultimately leads to the development and improvement of the business Also when describing the types of data innovation the concepts of open government data information and open innovation are employed The use of ebusiness and the generating of new data and the repetition of this process and the comprehensive model in data innovations account the innovations of this research
