Typology of university fields based on graduates' employment

Document Type : Research paper


1 Associate Faculty Member, Secretariat of the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution, Tehran.

2 Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy, Department of Information Technology Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.

3 M.Sc. student in Chemical Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran.

4 PhD in Higher Education,, Graduate of Shahid Beheshti University, Parliament Research Center, Tehran, Iran


The macro issue of employment is one of the most critical issues facing the country. Graduate employment has a special place among its sub-sectors because it involves significant individual and national opportunity costs. Correct and effective policy-making in graduate employment requires correct and accurate information. The employment environment is mainly described by indicators such as unemployment and economic activity. Although indicators can show part of the problems of the graduate business environment, more is needed to achieve a macro view and planning in this field. Global studies show that skill-job fit indicators, field title-job and degree-job are usually used on a wide scale. Therefore, in the present article, based on the statistics of the labour force census plan and with a local and innovative method, the indicators of the active population, employed, having a related job and having a suitable level of education for the graduates of different university fields of the country were calculated. In the continuation of the study fields based on the two dimensions of employment (based on the indicators of the share of the active population from the total graduates and the share of the employed from the active population) and education (based on the indicators of the share of employees with related jobs from the total number of employees and the share of employees with a proportional level of education from employees with related jobs) became In the following, by designing a nine-house framework based on the favorable, semi-favorable and unfavorable status of each aspect of employment and education, academic fields in five types of undeveloped fields (art and biological sciences), less developed fields (law, personal services, architecture, physical sciences, industry, Behavioral sciences and agriculture), emerging fields (business and mathematics), unbalanced development fields (engineering), developed fields (veterinary science, security services, journalism and humanities) and pioneering fields (health and teacher education) were classified. Finally, the findings were deepened by matching them with additional data (such as the share of majors in different occupational groups and the share of private employment and entrepreneurship of majors).


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