نقش رواداری در مرجعیت علمی، تمدن‌سازی و ظهور نخبگان

نوع مقاله : مقاله پژوهشی


1 دکتری سیاستگذاری علم و فناوری، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران.

2 استاد مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران.

3 دانشجوی دکتری سیاستگذاری علم و فناودانشجوی دکتری سیاستگذاری علم و فناوری، گروه مدیریت فناوری اطلاعات، دانشگاه تربیت مدرس، تهران، ایران



پیشگامی در علم و فناوری یکی از محورهای تمدن‌سازی اسلامی است که در مفهوم مرجعیت علمی بازتاب یافته است. تحلیل روند ظهور نخبگان ایرانی از ظهور اسلام تا انقلاب اسلامی نشان می‌دهد که جنگ‌ها، ویرانی‌ها و حتی دیکتاتوری‌های سیاسی، نتوانسته‌اند سد مهمی در برابر بروز استعدادهای درخشان بین ملت ایران باشند و اختناق فکری، مانع اصلی ظهور فرهیختگان در قرن‌های اخیر بوده است. درنتیجه در مقاله حاضر ابتدا رد پای مفهوم رواداری در آیات قرآن و روایات پیگیری شده است. سپس نگرش سید جمال‌الدین اسدآبادی، امام خمینی، شهید صدر، محی‌الدین ابن‌عربی، مولانا جلال‌الدین بلخی، عزیزالدین نسفی و محمود شبستری در این خصوص مطرح گردیده است. در ادامه ضمن مرور تاریخچه رواداری در ایران و جهان اسلام (هخامنشیان، اشکانیان و ساسانیان پیش از اسلام و امویان، عباسیان، آل بویه، سلجوقیان، مغولان و امپراتوری عثمانی پس از اسلام)، نقش رواداری در مرجعیت علمی تشریح شده است. بر این اساس رواداری ریشه در باور به جامعیت رحمانیت خداوند، تفسیرپذیری شریعت، تعدد مسیرهای وصول به حقیقت و ارتباط نسبی کلیه عقاید با حقیقت دارد. در این راستا رواداری با حمایت از اندیشه‌های نو و بدیع بدون هرگونه تعصب مذهبی، تبیین پیوند اسلام و علم و نگاه متعالی اسلام به دانش، بازآفرینی رابطه عقل و دین و تسهیل ارائه تفاسیر نوین و پویا از اسلام به تناسب مسائل زمان، زمینه‌ساز بازگشت به قرآن و اسلام اصیل می‌گردد. در سیر تاریخی نیز علی‌رغم رواداری هنجاری در دوره پیش از اسلام، نگرش‌های تکفیری در قرن‌‌های اول رواج یافت. با آغاز حکومت شیعی آل بویه، ترویج رواداری زمینه‌ساز شکوفایی فرهنگی و تمدنی اسلام شد؛ هرچند این روند در حکومت‌های غزنویان و سلجوقیان ادامه نیافت و افول تمدن اسلامی را به همراه داشت. در قرن هفتم نیز علی‌رغم حمله مغولان و پایان رنسانس اسلامی، اتخاذ سیاست رواداری توسط ایشان، از خاموشی کامل چراغ علم در ایران جلوگیری نمود. درنهایت رواداری حکام عثمانی مبتنی بر اسلام صوفیانه، زمینه‌ساز فتح قلمروی بیزانس و تداوم این امپراتوری به مدت هفت قرن گردید.



عنوان مقاله [English]

The Role of Tolerance in Scientific AuthorityCivilization, and the Emergence of Elites

نویسندگان [English]

  • Mehdi Fatemi 1
  • Sepehr Ghazinoory 2
  • Javad Amani 3
1 Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
2 Professor of Information Technology Management, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
3 PhD Student of Science and Technology Policy, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
چکیده [English]

Abdi, A. (2021). Limiting the theory of Islamic refusal in religious tolerance and legal pluralism in order to achieve sustainable peace. Judgment, 21 (106), 85-109. (Persian)
Aflaki Arefi, S. A. (1984). Manaqeb Al-Arefin: Corrections, margins and annotations: Tahsin Yazchi. (T. Sobhani, Persian Trans.). Tehran: Donyaye Ketab. (Persian)
Alikhani, S., Eslami, R., & Niavarani, S. (2021). An essay on the relationship between law and tolerating minorities in the international documents and the IRI constitution. Jornal of Eslamic Human Rights, 10 (3), 33-61. (Persian)
Amiri, M., Karimi, M., & Khodami, A. (2020). A sociological explanation of the relation between religiosity patterns and demographic variables with social tolerance (Case study: Ethnicities living in Kazerun City). Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 8 (31), 183-221. (Persian) DOI: 10.22081/JISS.2021.58067.1663
Azadi, G. (2022). Extraction and prioritization of strategies for achieving scientific leadership in Iran with an interpretive structural modeling approach. Strategic Studies of public policy, 11 (41), 240-265. (Persian)
Bagheri Moghaddam, N., Azadi, G., & Khorarsani, M. (2022). Presenting a conceptual model for the realization of scientific leadership in Iran's Higher Education System. Rahyaft, 32 (4), 53-64. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2023.11451.1449
Barani, M. R., & Dehghani, M. (2014). Comparative analysis of religious moderation of Buyid and Seljuq governors in political and state affairs. Quarterly Research Journal of Islamic History, 1 (13), 7-26. (Persian). DOI: 20.1001.1.22519726.1393.
Barzegar, P., Mahdinejhad Noori, M., Fateh Rad, M., & Zahedi, M. M. (2021). Architecture of science, technology and innovation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to achieve scientific authority in Horizon 1440. Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 5 (19), 7-38. (Persian). DOI: 20.1001.1.74672588.1400.
Bastenegar, M., & Hassani, A. (2018). Tolerance; A spiritual strategy or a strategic spirituality in development of creative tourism. Bagh-e Nazar Journal, 15 (60), 37-50. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/BAGH.2018.62764
Ben-David, J. (1970). The rise and decline of France as a scientific centre. Minerva, 8, 160-179. DOI: 10.1007/BF01553210
Bohrani, A., & Foroutani, Z. (2022). The concept and drivers of scientific authority in the civilizational discourse of Imam Khamenei. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 3-20. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2023.11393.1413
Dehghani, M., & Barani, M. R. (2013). The role of tolerance in the growth of Islamic culture and civilization in the 4th Century of Hegira. Religious Research, 1 (1), 69-82. (Persian)
Dehghani, M., & Barani, M. R. (2018). The position of tolerance in Islamic civilization-making from Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn Asadābādīs view. Journal of Imamiyyah Studies, 3 (6), 99-122. (Persian)
Fallahzadeh, A. (2021). Fatalism and tolerance; two belief networks in time of development of Othmani government (716-804 After Hijrah). History of Islam, 20 (80), 139-172. (Persian) DOI: 10.22081/HIQ.2020.68786
Farazkish, M., & Nasri, S. (2022). Analysis of the realization of the quantitative goals of research and technology in the sixth five-year program of economic, social and cultural development. Strategic Studies of public policy, 12 (44), 214-236. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/SSPP.2022.556409.3237
Farazkish, M., Azadi Ahmadabadi, G., & Abdi, S. (2022). Conceptual model of "Scientific Leadrship" from the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s viewpoint. Strategic Management Thought, 16 (3), 1-28. (Persian) DOI: 10.30497/smt.2023.243030.3382
Fartash, K., & Azizi, A. (2022). Presenting a framework of indicators for monitoring and evaluating scientific authority in humanities (With an emphasis on educational, scientific publication, and promotion authority). Rahyaft, 32 (4), 85-100. (Persian). DOI: 10.22034/rahyaft.2023.11388.1407
Fartash, K., & Ghorbani, A. (2022). Proposing a policy mix for enhancing socio-economic effectiveness and applicability of humanities to achieve scientific authority. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 33-54. (Persian) DOI: 0.11421.2023.RAHYAFT/22034.1
Gazni, A. (2022). The influence of international scientific collabortaion on the citation impact of Iranian universities and ways to enhance it. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 73-90. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2023.11408.1423
Ghafourifar, M., & Hosseyni, A. R. (2019). Discourse components based on freethinking in Raḍavī's debates; An ideal strategy for pathology of the challenges, and obstacles to the realization of freethinking seats. Journal of Razavi Culture, 7 (26), 157-190. (Persian)
Ghazinoori, S. S. (2022a). Iran in the place of Scientific Authority. Rahyaft, 32 (4), 1-2. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2022.14013
Ghazinoori, S. S. (2022b). Scientific authority. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 1-2. (Persian)
Ghazinoory, S., & Safari, H. (2022). Two competing views on the concept of scientific authority: Explanation and evaluation. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 21-32. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2023.11424.1432
Ghazinoory, S., Aliahmadi, A., Namdarzangeneh, S., & Ghodsypour, S. H. (2007). Using AHP and LP for choosing the best alternatives based the gap analysis. Applied Mathematics and computation, 184 (2), 316-321. DOI:10.1016/j.amc.2006.05.178
Ghorbankhani, M., & Salehi, K. (2021). A phenomenological approach to the study of obstacles of creation of knowledge in humanities based on the perception and lived experience of the university elites and scholars. Rahbord Farhang, 13 (52), 75-110. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/jsfc.2021.126583
Golpour, S., & Eslami, R. (2013). Tolerance in International Human Rights Law. Public Law Researsh, 15 (40), 71-113. (Persian)
Goodarzi, G., & Roudi, K. (2012). Interpretation of scientific authority for educational institutions by applying grounded theory. Science & Technology, 4 (2), 75-90. (Persian). DOI: 20.1001.1.20080840.1390.
Hafezi, R., MirzaRasouli, F. & Aminlou, M. (2022). An essay on scientific authority: From the perspective of a selected pre-eminent Iranian scientist. Journal of Science & Technology Policy, 15 (3), 29-40. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/jstp.2022.13956
Haq Dost, A. A., Nouri Hekmat, S., Dehnoye, R., & Porshikh Ali, A. (2019). A practical look at the concept of scientific authority. Iranian Journal of Culture and Health Promotion, 3 (1), 16-23. (Persian)
Hassanzadeh, M. (2023). Multilayer model of scientific authority. Sciences and Techniques of Information Management, 9 (2), 443-451. (Persian) DOI: 10.22091/STIM.2023.2521
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کلیدواژه‌ها [English]

  • Tolerance
  • scientific authority
  • civilization
  • Islamic civilization
  • elites
Abdi, A. (2021). Limiting the theory of Islamic refusal in religious tolerance and legal pluralism in order to achieve sustainable peace. Judgment, 21 (106), 85-109. (Persian)
Aflaki Arefi, S. A. (1984). Manaqeb Al-Arefin: Corrections, margins and annotations: Tahsin Yazchi. (T. Sobhani, Persian Trans.). Tehran: Donyaye Ketab. (Persian)
Alikhani, S., Eslami, R., & Niavarani, S. (2021). An essay on the relationship between law and tolerating minorities in the international documents and the IRI constitution. Jornal of Eslamic Human Rights, 10 (3), 33-61. (Persian)
Amiri, M., Karimi, M., & Khodami, A. (2020). A sociological explanation of the relation between religiosity patterns and demographic variables with social tolerance (Case study: Ethnicities living in Kazerun City). Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 8 (31), 183-221. (Persian) DOI: 10.22081/JISS.2021.58067.1663
Azadi, G. (2022). Extraction and prioritization of strategies for achieving scientific leadership in Iran with an interpretive structural modeling approach. Strategic Studies of public policy, 11 (41), 240-265. (Persian)
Bagheri Moghaddam, N., Azadi, G., & Khorarsani, M. (2022). Presenting a conceptual model for the realization of scientific leadership in Iran's Higher Education System. Rahyaft, 32 (4), 53-64. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2023.11451.1449
Barani, M. R., & Dehghani, M. (2014). Comparative analysis of religious moderation of Buyid and Seljuq governors in political and state affairs. Quarterly Research Journal of Islamic History, 1 (13), 7-26. (Persian). DOI: 20.1001.1.22519726.1393.
Barzegar, P., Mahdinejhad Noori, M., Fateh Rad, M., & Zahedi, M. M. (2021). Architecture of science, technology and innovation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to achieve scientific authority in Horizon 1440. Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 5 (19), 7-38. (Persian). DOI: 20.1001.1.74672588.1400.
Bastenegar, M., & Hassani, A. (2018). Tolerance; A spiritual strategy or a strategic spirituality in development of creative tourism. Bagh-e Nazar Journal, 15 (60), 37-50. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/BAGH.2018.62764
Ben-David, J. (1970). The rise and decline of France as a scientific centre. Minerva, 8, 160-179. DOI: 10.1007/BF01553210
Bohrani, A., & Foroutani, Z. (2022). The concept and drivers of scientific authority in the civilizational discourse of Imam Khamenei. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 3-20. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2023.11393.1413
Dehghani, M., & Barani, M. R. (2013). The role of tolerance in the growth of Islamic culture and civilization in the 4th Century of Hegira. Religious Research, 1 (1), 69-82. (Persian)
Dehghani, M., & Barani, M. R. (2018). The position of tolerance in Islamic civilization-making from Sayyid Jamāl al-Dīn Asadābādīs view. Journal of Imamiyyah Studies, 3 (6), 99-122. (Persian)
Fallahzadeh, A. (2021). Fatalism and tolerance; two belief networks in time of development of Othmani government (716-804 After Hijrah). History of Islam, 20 (80), 139-172. (Persian) DOI: 10.22081/HIQ.2020.68786
Farazkish, M., & Nasri, S. (2022). Analysis of the realization of the quantitative goals of research and technology in the sixth five-year program of economic, social and cultural development. Strategic Studies of public policy, 12 (44), 214-236. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/SSPP.2022.556409.3237
Farazkish, M., Azadi Ahmadabadi, G., & Abdi, S. (2022). Conceptual model of "Scientific Leadrship" from the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei’s viewpoint. Strategic Management Thought, 16 (3), 1-28. (Persian) DOI: 10.30497/smt.2023.243030.3382
Fartash, K., & Azizi, A. (2022). Presenting a framework of indicators for monitoring and evaluating scientific authority in humanities (With an emphasis on educational, scientific publication, and promotion authority). Rahyaft, 32 (4), 85-100. (Persian). DOI: 10.22034/rahyaft.2023.11388.1407
Fartash, K., & Ghorbani, A. (2022). Proposing a policy mix for enhancing socio-economic effectiveness and applicability of humanities to achieve scientific authority. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 33-54. (Persian) DOI: 0.11421.2023.RAHYAFT/22034.1
Gazni, A. (2022). The influence of international scientific collabortaion on the citation impact of Iranian universities and ways to enhance it. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 73-90. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2023.11408.1423
Ghafourifar, M., & Hosseyni, A. R. (2019). Discourse components based on freethinking in Raḍavī's debates; An ideal strategy for pathology of the challenges, and obstacles to the realization of freethinking seats. Journal of Razavi Culture, 7 (26), 157-190. (Persian)
Ghazinoori, S. S. (2022a). Iran in the place of Scientific Authority. Rahyaft, 32 (4), 1-2. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2022.14013
Ghazinoori, S. S. (2022b). Scientific authority. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 1-2. (Persian)
Ghazinoory, S., & Safari, H. (2022). Two competing views on the concept of scientific authority: Explanation and evaluation. Rahyaft, 32 (3), 21-32. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/RAHYAFT.2023.11424.1432
Ghazinoory, S., Aliahmadi, A., Namdarzangeneh, S., & Ghodsypour, S. H. (2007). Using AHP and LP for choosing the best alternatives based the gap analysis. Applied Mathematics and computation, 184 (2), 316-321. DOI:10.1016/j.amc.2006.05.178
Ghorbankhani, M., & Salehi, K. (2021). A phenomenological approach to the study of obstacles of creation of knowledge in humanities based on the perception and lived experience of the university elites and scholars. Rahbord Farhang, 13 (52), 75-110. (Persian) DOI: 10.22034/jsfc.2021.126583
Golpour, S., & Eslami, R. (2013). Tolerance in International Human Rights Law. Public Law Researsh, 15 (40), 71-113. (Persian)
Goodarzi, G., & Roudi, K. (2012). Interpretation of scientific authority for educational institutions by applying grounded theory. Science & Technology, 4 (2), 75-90. (Persian). DOI: 20.1001.1.20080840.1390.
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