[1] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1393). تحلیل نیروهای عامل بر دانشگاه کارآفرین و انتقال سازمان دانشگاهی (رویکرد میانرشتهای). نشریه علمی ترویجی رشد فناوری، سال دهم، شماره 41.
[2] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد؛ انتظاری، یعقوب؛ اخوان، امیرناصر. (1393). شرکتهای مبتنی بر دستاوردهای دانشگاه (Academic Spin-off): مفاهیم، تعاریف و ویژگیها. دومین کنفرانس بینالمللی تجاریسازی سازمان، دانشگاه تهران.
[3] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1394). «دانشگاه کارآفرین و بیم و امیدها در اقتصاد دانشبنیان». پذیرفته شده برای انتشار در فصلنامه علمی-ترویجی صنعت و دانشگاه.
[4] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1394). تجاریسازی دستاوردهای تحقیقات دانشگاهی (دیدگاه تاریخی). کنفرانس بینالمللی جهتگیریهای نوین در مدیریت اقتصاد و حسابداری.
[5] Bozeman, B. (2000). Technology transfer and public policy: a review of research and theory," Research Policy, 29(4-5), 627-655.
[6] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1394). موانع انتقال سازمان دانشگاهی: مفاهیم و نوعشناسی. کنفرانس بینالمللی مدیریت، اقتصاد و مهندسی صنایع.
[7] Heirman A, Clarysse B (2004) "How and why do research-based start-ups differ at founding? A resource-based configurational perspective", Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 29, 247 – 268
[8] Landry, R., Amara, N., Rherrad, I. (2006) “Why are some university researchers more likely to create spin-offs than others? Evidence from Canadian universities”. Research Policy 35 (2006) pp. 1599–1615.
[9] Druilhe, C. and E. Garnsey (2004). "Do Academic Spin-Outs Differ and Does it Matter?" The Journal of Technology Transfer 29(3): 269-285.
[10] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1392). نقش اعتبار سازمانی دانشگاه و اثر هالهای بر تجاریسازی دستاوردهای تحقیقاتی. فصلنامه رهیافت 23، 55: 78-63.
[11] Brush, C. G.; Greene, P. G.; Hart, M. M. (2001). “From initial idea to unique advantage: The entrepreneurial challenge of constructing a resource base. Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 15(1):64-78.
[12] Shane, S., Stuart, T. (2002). Organizational endowments and the performance of university start-ups. Management Science 48 (1), 154–170.
[13] Karia, N., Wong, C. Y. dan Asaari, M. H. A. H. (2012). Typology of Resources and Capabilities for Firms' Performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 65, 711 – 716
[14] Shepherd, D. A., and Wiklund, J. (2005). Entrepreneurial small businesses. A Resource-Based perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp 12-42, 43-76.
[15] FAHY, J. (2000). “The Resource-based view of the Firm: Some Stumbling-blocks on the Road to Understanding Sustainable Competitive Advantage”, Journal of European Industrial Training, 24(2/3/4), pp. 94-104.
[16] Iturriaga, F., Cruz, N. (2008) 'Antecedents of Corporate Spin-Offs in Spain: A Resource- Based Approach', Research Policy, 37 (6-7): 1047–1056.
[17] Amit, R. and Schoemaker, P.l.H. (1993) "Strategic assets and organizational rent." Strategic Management journal, Vol. 14, pp. 33-46.
[18] Daft, R. (1983). Organization theory and design. New York: West.
[19] Itami. H. (1987). Mobilizing Invisible Assets, Harvard University Press. Boston. MA.
[20] Ansoff, H. I. (1965). Corporate Strategy: An Analytic Approach to Business Policy for Growth and Expansion. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[21] Barney, J. B. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-120.
[22] Cohen, W. M., Nelson, R. R., and Walsh, J. P. (2002). ‘Links and Impacts: The Influence of Public Research on Industrial R&D’, Management Science, 48(1): 1–23.
[23] Rappert, B., Webster, A., and Charles, D. (1999). ‘Making Sense of Diversity and Reluctance: Academic–Industrial Relations and Intellectual Property’, Research Policy, 28(8): 873–90.
[24] David, P. A. Mowery, D., and Steinmueller, E. E. (1992). ‘Analysing the Economic Payoffs from Basic Research’, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2: 73–90.
[25] Chang, Y.-C., Yang, P.Y., Chen, M.-H., 2009. The determinants of academic research commercial performance: towards an organizational ambidexterity perspective. Research Policy, 38 (6), 936–946.
[26] Nealy, M. S. (2004). The Budget Plan of Canada page 133. [Online] Available: http://www.scottmcnealy.com
[27] Rosa, J and Rose, A. (2007) Report on Interviews on the Commercialisation of Innovation, Minister of Industry, Statistics Canada.
[28] Gu, W.; Whewell, L. (1999). “University Research and the Commercialization of Intellectual Property in Canada”. Economic Analysis and Statistics.
[29] Commons, J.R. (1931). “Institutional Economics”, American Economic Review, vol. 21: 648-657.
[30] Acemoglu, Daron and Simon Johnson and James Robinson.(2004). “Institutions as The Fundamental Cause Of Long-run Growth”, Available at:
[31] Golub, E. (2003). “Generating spin-offs from university based research: The potential of technology transfer (PhD thesis). Columbia University.
[32] Ponomariov, B. and P.C. Boardman (2008), “The effect of informal industry contacts on the time university scientists allocate to collaborative research with industry”, Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 33(3), pp. 301-313.
[33] Rasmussen, Einar; Moen, Øystein; Gulbrandsen, Magnus. (2006). “Initiatives to promote commercialization of university knowledge”, Technovation, 26, pp. 518–533.
[34] Zucker, L.G.; Darby, M.R.; Brewer, M.B. (1998). “Intellectual human capital and the birth of US Biotechnology enterprises”, The American Economic Review, 88 (1), pp. 290-306.
[35] Etzkowitz, H. (1989). “Entrepreneurial science in the academy – a case of the transformation of norms”, Social Problems 36 (1), pp. 14-29.
[36] Kassatly, Sa. (1995). “An introduction to protecting and licensing technology”, Journal of technology transfer, 20(2), pp. 18-21.
[37] Lijun, Wang; Huitao, Li. (2013). “Study on Regional Difference of Three Type Patent's Economic Contribution”, 2013 6th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, pp. 97-100.
[38] MONTOBBIO, Fabio;
Francesco, LISSONI. (2014). “The ownership of academic patents and their impact. Evidence from five European countries", Revue économique, 66(1), pp. 95-123.
[39] AbdRazak, Norfadzilah; Wan Rashid, Wan Edura; Ma’amor, Hairunnisa; Asnawi, Nini Hartini; Nor Lela Ahmad, and Nur’Ain Achim. (2013). “Leveraging Knowledge Transfer in Strategic Human Resource Management”, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 168-172.
[40] Grandi, A., Grimaldi, R. (2005). Academics’ organizational characteristics and the generation of successful business ideas. Journal of Business Venturing, 20, pp. 821-845.
[41] Nicolau, N., Birley, S. (2003). Academic networks in a trichotomous categorisation of university spinouts. Journal of Business Venturing 18 (3), pp. 333-359.
[42] Stuart, T.E.; Ding, W.W. (2006). “When do scientists become entrepreneurs? The social structural antecedents of commercial activity in the academic life sciences”, American Journal of Sociology, 112 (1), pp. 97-144.
[43] O'Shea, R. P., T.J. Allen, A. Chevalier and F. Roche (2005), “Entrepreneurial orientation, technology transfer and spinoff performance of U.S. universities”, Research Policy, Vol. 34(7), pp. 994-1009.
[44] Di Gregorio, D. and S. Shane (2003), “Why do some universities generate more start-ups than others?”, Research Policy, Vol. 32(2), pp. 209-227.
[45] Lockett, A, & Wright, M. (2005). Resources, capabilities, risk capital and the creation of university spin-out companies,. Research Policy, 34, 1043-1057.
[46] Lockett, A, Wright, M., & Franklin, S. (2003). Technology transfer and universities, spin-out strategies. Small Business Economics, 20,185-200.
[47] Chugh, H. (2004). New academic venture development: Exploring the influence of the technology transferofjice on university spinouts (Working Paper). Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London.
[48] Mian, S. A (1996). Assessing value-added contributions of university technology business incubators to tenant firms. Research Policy, 25, 325-335.
[49] Jensen, R, & Thursby, M. (2001). Proofs and prototypes for sale: The licensing of university inventions. American Economic Review, 91, 240- 259.
[50] Siegel, D. S., Waldman, D., Atwater, L., & Link, A N. (2003). Commercial knowledge transfers from universities to firms: Improving the effectiveness of university-industry collaboration. journal of High Technology Management Research, 14, 111-133.
[51] Vinig, G. T., & Van Rijsbergen, P. J. (2010). Determinants of university technology transfer-a comparative study of US, European and Australian Universities. In A Malach-Pines (Ed.), Handbook of research on high technology entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar.
[52] Caldera, A, & Debande, O. (2010). Performance of Spanish universities in technology transfer: An empirical analysis. Research Policy, 39, 1160-1173.
[53] Pelletier, S. G. & McNamara, W. (1985). “TO Market?” Educational Horizons 63(2): 54-60.
[54] Landrum, R. Eric, Turrisi, Rob., Clayton Harless. 1998. “University Image: The Benefits of Assessment and Modeling.” Journal of marketing for Higher Education, 9(1): 53-68.
[55] Henderson, R, A. Jaffe, M. Trajtenberg. 1998. Universities as a source of commercial technology: A detailed analysis of university patenting, 1965-1988. Rev. Econom. Statist. 65 119-127.
[56] Stergiou KI, Tsikliras AC. (2014). Global university reputation and rankings: insights from culturomics. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 13: 193-202.
[57] Sine, W., Shane, S., Di Gregorio, D. (2003), The Halo effect and technology licensing: The influence of institutional Prestige on the Licensing of University Inventions, Management Science, 49: 478-496.
[58] Brooks, Rachelle L. 2005. “Measuring University Quality.” The Review of Higher Education, 29(1): 1-21.
[59] Stuen, Eric; Lee, Jeongsik. (2012). “University Reputation and the Disclosure of Academic Discoveries: evidence from nano-scale science and technology”, available at: cahnrs-cms.wsu.edu.
[60] رازقندی، ناهید؛ درانی، کمال. (1388). شناسایی عوامل فردی و محیطی مؤثر بر موفقیت کارآفرینان برتر استان تهران جهت ارائه الگوی آموزشی. توسعه کارآفرینی، 2، 6؛ 55-39.
[61] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1394). مطالعه عوامل مؤثر بر کارآفرینی دانشگاهیان، دومین کنفرانس بینالمللی حسابداری و مدیریت.
[62] Powers, J., & McDougall, P. (2005). “University start-up formation and technology licensing with firms that go public: A resource based view of academic entrepreneurship. Journal of Business Venturing, 20, 291–311.
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[64] Feldman, M., Desrochers, P. (2004). “Truth for its own sake: academic culture and technology transfer at Johns Hopkins University”. Minerva, 42, pp. 105-126.
[65] Shane, S. (2000). “Prior knowledge and the discovery of entrepreneurial opportunities”. Organization Science, 11 (4), pp. 448-469.
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[1] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1393). تحلیل نیروهای عامل بر دانشگاه کارآفرین و انتقال سازمان دانشگاهی (رویکرد میانرشتهای). نشریه علمی ترویجی رشد فناوری، سال دهم، شماره 41.
[2] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد؛ انتظاری، یعقوب؛ اخوان، امیرناصر. (1393). شرکتهای مبتنی بر دستاوردهای دانشگاه (Academic Spin-off): مفاهیم، تعاریف و ویژگیها. دومین کنفرانس بینالمللی تجاریسازی سازمان، دانشگاه تهران.
[3] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1394). «دانشگاه کارآفرین و بیم و امیدها در اقتصاد دانشبنیان». پذیرفته شده برای انتشار در فصلنامه علمی-ترویجی صنعت و دانشگاه.
[4] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1394). تجاریسازی دستاوردهای تحقیقات دانشگاهی (دیدگاه تاریخی). کنفرانس بینالمللی جهتگیریهای نوین در مدیریت اقتصاد و حسابداری.
[5] Bozeman, B. (2000). Technology transfer and public policy: a review of research and theory," Research Policy, 29(4-5), 627-655.
[6] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1394). موانع انتقال سازمان دانشگاهی: مفاهیم و نوعشناسی. کنفرانس بینالمللی مدیریت، اقتصاد و مهندسی صنایع.
[7] Heirman A, Clarysse B (2004) "How and why do research-based start-ups differ at founding? A resource-based configurational perspective", Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 29, 247 – 268
[8] Landry, R., Amara, N., Rherrad, I. (2006) “Why are some university researchers more likely to create spin-offs than others? Evidence from Canadian universities”. Research Policy 35 (2006) pp. 1599–1615.
[9] Druilhe, C. and E. Garnsey (2004). "Do Academic Spin-Outs Differ and Does it Matter?" The Journal of Technology Transfer 29(3): 269-285.
[10] پژوهشجهرمی، امین؛ پورکریمی، جواد. (1392). نقش اعتبار سازمانی دانشگاه و اثر هالهای بر تجاریسازی دستاوردهای تحقیقاتی. فصلنامه رهیافت 23، 55: 78-63.
[11] Brush, C. G.; Greene, P. G.; Hart, M. M. (2001). “From initial idea to unique advantage: The entrepreneurial challenge of constructing a resource base. Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 15(1):64-78.
[12] Shane, S., Stuart, T. (2002). Organizational endowments and the performance of university start-ups. Management Science 48 (1), 154–170.
[13] Karia, N., Wong, C. Y. dan Asaari, M. H. A. H. (2012). Typology of Resources and Capabilities for Firms' Performance. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 65, 711 – 716
[14] Shepherd, D. A., and Wiklund, J. (2005). Entrepreneurial small businesses. A Resource-Based perspective. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp 12-42, 43-76.
[15] FAHY, J. (2000). “The Resource-based view of the Firm: Some Stumbling-blocks on the Road to Understanding Sustainable Competitive Advantage”, Journal of European Industrial Training, 24(2/3/4), pp. 94-104.
[16] Iturriaga, F., Cruz, N. (2008) 'Antecedents of Corporate Spin-Offs in Spain: A Resource- Based Approach', Research Policy, 37 (6-7): 1047–1056.
[17] Amit, R. and Schoemaker, P.l.H. (1993) "Strategic assets and organizational rent." Strategic Management journal, Vol. 14, pp. 33-46.
[18] Daft, R. (1983). Organization theory and design. New York: West.
[19] Itami. H. (1987). Mobilizing Invisible Assets, Harvard University Press. Boston. MA.
[20] Ansoff, H. I. (1965). Corporate Strategy: An Analytic Approach to Business Policy for Growth and Expansion. New York: McGraw-Hill.
[21] Barney, J. B. (1991). Firm Resources and Sustained Competitive Advantage. Journal of Management, 17(1), 99-120.
[22] Cohen, W. M., Nelson, R. R., and Walsh, J. P. (2002). ‘Links and Impacts: The Influence of Public Research on Industrial R&D’, Management Science, 48(1): 1–23.
[23] Rappert, B., Webster, A., and Charles, D. (1999). ‘Making Sense of Diversity and Reluctance: Academic–Industrial Relations and Intellectual Property’, Research Policy, 28(8): 873–90.
[24] David, P. A. Mowery, D., and Steinmueller, E. E. (1992). ‘Analysing the Economic Payoffs from Basic Research’, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2: 73–90.
[25] Chang, Y.-C., Yang, P.Y., Chen, M.-H., 2009. The determinants of academic research commercial performance: towards an organizational ambidexterity perspective. Research Policy, 38 (6), 936–946.
[26] Nealy, M. S. (2004). The Budget Plan of Canada page 133. [Online] Available: http://www.scottmcnealy.com
[27] Rosa, J and Rose, A. (2007) Report on Interviews on the Commercialisation of Innovation, Minister of Industry, Statistics Canada.
[28] Gu, W.; Whewell, L. (1999). “University Research and the Commercialization of Intellectual Property in Canada”. Economic Analysis and Statistics.
[29] Commons, J.R. (1931). “Institutional Economics”, American Economic Review, vol. 21: 648-657.
[30] Acemoglu, Daron and Simon Johnson and James Robinson.(2004). “Institutions as The Fundamental Cause Of Long-run Growth”, Available at:
[31] Golub, E. (2003). “Generating spin-offs from university based research: The potential of technology transfer (PhD thesis). Columbia University.
[32] Ponomariov, B. and P.C. Boardman (2008), “The effect of informal industry contacts on the time university scientists allocate to collaborative research with industry”, Journal of Technology Transfer, Vol. 33(3), pp. 301-313.
[33] Rasmussen, Einar; Moen, Øystein; Gulbrandsen, Magnus. (2006). “Initiatives to promote commercialization of university knowledge”, Technovation, 26, pp. 518–533.
[34] Zucker, L.G.; Darby, M.R.; Brewer, M.B. (1998). “Intellectual human capital and the birth of US Biotechnology enterprises”, The American Economic Review, 88 (1), pp. 290-306.
[35] Etzkowitz, H. (1989). “Entrepreneurial science in the academy – a case of the transformation of norms”, Social Problems 36 (1), pp. 14-29.
[36] Kassatly, Sa. (1995). “An introduction to protecting and licensing technology”, Journal of technology transfer, 20(2), pp. 18-21.
[37] Lijun, Wang; Huitao, Li. (2013). “Study on Regional Difference of Three Type Patent's Economic Contribution”, 2013 6th International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, pp. 97-100.
[38] MONTOBBIO, Fabio;
Francesco, LISSONI. (2014). “The ownership of academic patents and their impact. Evidence from five European countries", Revue économique, 66(1), pp. 95-123.
[39] AbdRazak, Norfadzilah; Wan Rashid, Wan Edura; Ma’amor, Hairunnisa; Asnawi, Nini Hartini; Nor Lela Ahmad, and Nur’Ain Achim. (2013). “Leveraging Knowledge Transfer in Strategic Human Resource Management”, International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 168-172.
[40] Grandi, A., Grimaldi, R. (2005). Academics’ organizational characteristics and the generation of successful business ideas. Journal of Business Venturing, 20, pp. 821-845.
[41] Nicolau, N., Birley, S. (2003). Academic networks in a trichotomous categorisation of university spinouts. Journal of Business Venturing 18 (3), pp. 333-359.
[42] Stuart, T.E.; Ding, W.W. (2006). “When do scientists become entrepreneurs? The social structural antecedents of commercial activity in the academic life sciences”, American Journal of Sociology, 112 (1), pp. 97-144.
[43] O'Shea, R. P., T.J. Allen, A. Chevalier and F. Roche (2005), “Entrepreneurial orientation, technology transfer and spinoff performance of U.S. universities”, Research Policy, Vol. 34(7), pp. 994-1009.
[44] Di Gregorio, D. and S. Shane (2003), “Why do some universities generate more start-ups than others?”, Research Policy, Vol. 32(2), pp. 209-227.
[45] Lockett, A, & Wright, M. (2005). Resources, capabilities, risk capital and the creation of university spin-out companies,. Research Policy, 34, 1043-1057.
[46] Lockett, A, Wright, M., & Franklin, S. (2003). Technology transfer and universities, spin-out strategies. Small Business Economics, 20,185-200.
[47] Chugh, H. (2004). New academic venture development: Exploring the influence of the technology transferofjice on university spinouts (Working Paper). Tanaka Business School, Imperial College London.
[48] Mian, S. A (1996). Assessing value-added contributions of university technology business incubators to tenant firms. Research Policy, 25, 325-335.
[49] Jensen, R, & Thursby, M. (2001). Proofs and prototypes for sale: The licensing of university inventions. American Economic Review, 91, 240- 259.
[50] Siegel, D. S., Waldman, D., Atwater, L., & Link, A N. (2003). Commercial knowledge transfers from universities to firms: Improving the effectiveness of university-industry collaboration. journal of High Technology Management Research, 14, 111-133.
[51] Vinig, G. T., & Van Rijsbergen, P. J. (2010). Determinants of university technology transfer-a comparative study of US, European and Australian Universities. In A Malach-Pines (Ed.), Handbook of research on high technology entrepreneurship. Edward Elgar.
[52] Caldera, A, & Debande, O. (2010). Performance of Spanish universities in technology transfer: An empirical analysis. Research Policy, 39, 1160-1173.
[53] Pelletier, S. G. & McNamara, W. (1985). “TO Market?” Educational Horizons 63(2): 54-60.
[54] Landrum, R. Eric, Turrisi, Rob., Clayton Harless. 1998. “University Image: The Benefits of Assessment and Modeling.” Journal of marketing for Higher Education, 9(1): 53-68.
[55] Henderson, R, A. Jaffe, M. Trajtenberg. 1998. Universities as a source of commercial technology: A detailed analysis of university patenting, 1965-1988. Rev. Econom. Statist. 65 119-127.
[56] Stergiou KI, Tsikliras AC. (2014). Global university reputation and rankings: insights from culturomics. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 13: 193-202.
[57] Sine, W., Shane, S., Di Gregorio, D. (2003), The Halo effect and technology licensing: The influence of institutional Prestige on the Licensing of University Inventions, Management Science, 49: 478-496.
[58] Brooks, Rachelle L. 2005. “Measuring University Quality.” The Review of Higher Education, 29(1): 1-21.
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